Bentonville, AR 72712
Phone: (479) 631-8600
Online: brightwater.org Brightwater: A Center for the Study of Food was conceived to be more than a typical culinary school. As an academic department of NWACC, Brightwater offers an innovative educational setting and holistic programming in the areas of Artisanal Food, Beverage Arts, Baking & Pastry and Culinary Arts by focusing on the larger food system, culinary skills, wellness and the strengthening of local food networks. Brightwater proudly provides individuals, students, and professionals with world-class training at any point during their journey into the world of food.
In general:
Thanks to our wonderful and generous donors, NWACC is able to provide over 130 scholarships to students.
The availability, application type, qualifications, and award amounts are subject to change and can vary from academic year to academic year.
Scholarships are available annually: For all students during Dec. 1 to March, which awards the following academic year, and Nursing students during September to October for current nursing students, which is awarded the current academic year
Students must be enrolled or will be enrolled at NWACC during the semester(s) for which the scholarship will be awarded, and they must meet all requirements for an NWACC scholarship to qualify to apply. More Information Click Here Scholarship Email scholarships@nwacc.edu Scholarship Phone (479) 619-4316
Degree Programs
Culinary Arts
Baking & Pastry Arts
Artisanal Food
Beverage Arts
Baking Arts
Culinary Arts
Artisanal Food
Beverage Arts
Culinary (or Culinary Arts)
Baking & Pastry (or Baking Arts)
Artisanal Food
Beverage Arts