Texarkana, TX 75503
Phone: (903) 823-3456
Online: texarkanacollege.edu/ Serving the Ark-La-Tex for over 90 years, Texarkana College is a comprehensive two-year public community college offering more than 100 academic and technical training programs leading to associate degrees and professional certificates. In 2017 and 2019, Texarkana College was ranked No. 1 in the state of Texas for student completion rates. Nationally recognized for its student success initiatives, Texarkana College serves students from all across the United States with a high percentage of its students residing in Miller County, Arkansas as well as Bowie and Cass County, Texas. Small class sizes help ensure that students get the individualized instruction and personalized learning that they deserve. Students who attend Texarkana College save thousands of dollars in tuition and fees (compared to the cost of attending a university) while earning course credit toward their first two years of their bachelor's degree. Texarkana College has numerous opportunities for students to earn scholarships for full tuition and fees for up to two years through the Presidential Scholarship program. TC's Associate Degree Nursing Program was the first accredited nursing program in the state of Texas and remains a premier regional program today.
Degree Programs
Administrative Office Technology
Advanced Manufacturing (Choose a focus in: Welding, Machine Tool Tech, Electromechanical Tech, Electrical Engineering Tech, or Mechanical Engineering Tech)
Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Technology
Allied Health
Automotive Service Technology
Business Computer Information Systems (or Business Information Technology, or Business Information Systems Technology)
Child Care / Child Development
Christian Education
Collision Repair & Refinishing Technology
Computer Information Systems
Computer Information Systems Technology (or Computer Information Technology)
Computer Network Technology (or Computer Networking Technology, or Computer Systems & Networking Technology)
Construction Technology
Cosmetic Science
Crime Scene Investigation
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice & Corrections
Criminal Justice Technology
Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts/Hospitality
Dental Hygiene
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Digital Media
Early Childcare Education
Early Childhood Education/Development - Birth to Pre-K credential
Early Childhood Education/Development (Choose a focus in K-6th Grade or Mid-Level)
Education: K-12 PE & Health
Emergency Medical Technology (or Paramedic, or Emergency Medical Technician)
Fine Arts
Fire & Emergency Response
General Business
General Education
General Education (PACE)
General Education-Liberal Arts
General Education-Science
General Studies
Health Professions
Health Science
Health Sciences (choose emphasis: Practical Nursing or Pre-Sports Medicine)
Heating, Air Conditioning, & Refrigeration Technology
Human Services (Choose a focus in: Social Work or Addiction)
Industrial Mechanics & Maintenance (or Industrial Technology, Maintenance Technology, or Industrial & Mechanical Technology)
Law Enforcement
Liberal Arts (or Liberal Studies)
Liberal Arts & Sciences
Medical Assistant (or Medical Assisting)
Nursing (or Registered Nursing)
Office Administration
Office Occupations
Paramedic Technology
Paramedic/Emergency Medical Services
Performance & Media Arts
Pharmacy Technology (or Pharmacy Technician Science)
Practical Nursing
A+ Computer Tech Certification