Jefferson Regional Medical School of Nursing
1600 W. 40th Ave.
Pine Bluff, AR 71603
Phone: (870) 541-7858
Fax: (870) 541-7807 Online: jrmc.org/schoolofnursing JRMC School of Nursing is a residential program designed to prepare learners to apply for RN licensure and take the NCLEX-RN exam. The program curriculum plan meets the standards of the Accrediting Bureau of Health Educations Schools (ABHES) and Arkansas State Board of Nursing. The curriculum consists of 45 credits of nursing coursework and is delivered over 79 weeks. The program requires an additional 27 credits of general education coursework. A total of 72 credits are required for graduation. Upon completion of the program, the learner is awarded an Associates of Applied Science in Nursing Degree and is eligible to apply to take NCLEX-RN.
Pine Bluff, AR 71603
Phone: (870) 541-7858
Fax: (870) 541-7807 Online: jrmc.org/schoolofnursing JRMC School of Nursing is a residential program designed to prepare learners to apply for RN licensure and take the NCLEX-RN exam. The program curriculum plan meets the standards of the Accrediting Bureau of Health Educations Schools (ABHES) and Arkansas State Board of Nursing. The curriculum consists of 45 credits of nursing coursework and is delivered over 79 weeks. The program requires an additional 27 credits of general education coursework. A total of 72 credits are required for graduation. Upon completion of the program, the learner is awarded an Associates of Applied Science in Nursing Degree and is eligible to apply to take NCLEX-RN.
School Type
2 Year
Funding Type
Admissions Information
Scholarship Information
ACT (composite of 19) with at least a 16 in each component (English, Math, Reading & Science) taken within the past five years. Pending approval from ABHES for new admission criteria.
Minimum GPA
Minimum ACT
Admissions Email
Admissions Phone
(870) 541-7858
The majority of our scholarships are given by the state of Arkansas and private sector.
More Information
Click Here
Scholarship Phone
(870) 541-7935
Financial Aid Information
The school has someone available during normal operating hours to assist current or prospective students and their families with additional information.
Financial Aid Contact
Judy Stott
Financial Regulatory Service Coordinator
Financial Aid Phone
(870) 541-7858
Financial Aid Email
More Information
Click Here
Degree Programs
Nursing (or Registered Nursing)