College Prep

A Summer Well Spent: How to Prepare for Your Future

Make the most of summer by gaining work experience, building financial skills, setting goals, and preparing for the future—all while still having fun!

How to Cut College Costs

Get the scoop on financial aid all in one place!

Majors that Majorly Pay Off

When selecting a college degree and career field, it’s important to research the average salary and high-end earnings.

What You Need to Know About the ACT & SAT

These tests are both used for college admissions and awarding merit-based scholarships, but they're very different. Here's the scoop.

Stretching Your Scholarship Dollars

There are several financial avenues you can take to help with this such as scholarships, grants and loans, but students sometimes overlook how to get the most out of their financial aid dollars.

Finding Financial Aid

What it is, where to find it and how to get it!

Countdown to College: The Ultimate High School To-Do List

Let the countdown to college begin—use this comprehensive checklist from eighth grade to high school graduation.

Go Fund Me: 7 Arkansas Scholarships to Apply For

There are organizations, businesses and schools out there ready to support you and help pay for your education.