Where The Jobs Are: Barry McCaskill on Education

By NEXT Staff on Monday, September 10, 2012

Barry McCaskill
Physics Teacher/Soccer Coach
Little Rock Christian Academy

Age: 24
High school: Arkadelphia High School
College: Ouachita Baptist University
Major: Physics

What’s the greatest thing about your industry; why should students consider it? No matter the route you take to become licensed, there is always a need for good teachers. Even though I wasn’t an education major, after graduation I was offered a job teaching physics and coaching soccer. And teaching is unique in that there are multiple paths to become licensed.

What is your job in education like? The greatest thing is getting to see students “get” something. When they wrestle with a concept and I guide them to understanding, it’s a rewarding feeling. And it’s nice to have an easier schedule in the summer.

What's something you learned in college that prepared you for this job? As a physics major, I had to commit a significant amount of time to studying, and as a soccer player, I was practicing, traveling or competing most days. Self-discipline and time management helped me learn how to balance it all.

Why it’s hot: The Arkansas Department of Workforce Services projects jobs for elementary and high school teachers will grow by 20 percent by 2018 thanks to a growing population and rapid increases in school enrollment.

Try majoring in: Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Secondary Education or Special Education.

Jobs you can get: Elementary or high school teacher, special ed. teacher, professor

What’s the pay: Yearly salaries for Arkansas teachers range from $44,580 for elementary school to $46,710 for high school.