A Summer Well Spent: How to Prepare for Your Future

By Arkansas NEXT: Money on Thursday, March 20, 2025

Summers in middle and high school aren't just for staying up late and sleeping in. You can also add work experience to your resume, learn valuable life skills and set yourself up for success as you enter adulthood.

Use this checklist to build your resume and learn valuable skills this summer:

  • Get a summer job.
  • Open checking and savings accounts.
  • Download your bank’s mobile app to keep track of your finances.
  • Create a budget (and stick to it!).
  • Stay active! Your mental health is guaranteed to improve the more you move your body.
  • Research your favorite brands and make sure the company aligns with your ethical values.
  • Set financial goals for the future. How much do you want to earn as an adult?
  • Start saving your paychecks! See how much money you can save before you graduate.
  • Shadow someone you know who is in a career field you’re interested in!
  • Interview a trusted adult about how they handle their finances.
  • Make a plan for building your credit.
  • Resist online scams that target students!
  • Visit a few colleges to see what kind of school feels like the right fit.
  • Take a dual credit course to start building your college GPA and save money on tuition in the future.
  • Research and listen to financial planning podcasts and ask a trusted adult who they rely on for good financial advice.
  • Have fun – it is the summer, after all!