Your Voice, Your Vote: Rashad Woods of Dardanelle
By Lydia McAllister on Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Rashad Woods
Councilman for the City of Dardanelle | Assistant Editor of the Dardanelle Post Dispatch | 
Rashad Woods knows a thing or two about breaking records. He is the youngest and first African American male to ever be elected to the Dardanelle City Council. His work doesn’t stop there. He’s also actively involved in many local organizations and has served as board president for the Dardanelle Chamber of Commerce and Dardanelle Boys & Girls Club. Because of his work and background in child development, he is a constant supporter for youth in his community and providing them with better opportunities for tomorrow and beyond.
My main responsibilities as a city councilman: I represent the constituents and the great City of Dardanelle. I work on policies and procedures for the city, anything concerning the city, and I work beside other council members and the mayor.
The moment I knew I wanted to work in politics: It was on Sept. 11, 2001, hearing George W. Bush talk about America and how we are strong! I will never forget the hope my family and I felt during that day and the days, weeks and years to come— and I was just 9.
What led me to become a councilman: I love to help people! I would find myself always going to city council meetings and sitting at the table as a guest but doing a lot of work! It hit me one day, and I wanted a permanent seat at the table!
What organizations I’m passionate about: I serve on six boards of directors! Those include Arkansas Children’s Hospital Circle of Friends, River Valley Prevention Coalition, River Valley Children’s Advocacy Center, River Valley United Way, Samaritan Outreach Inc. Shelter and ARVAC Inc. (Arkansas River Valley Area Council).
The one thing I wish people knew about working on the city council: That this is a 24/7 job. Sometimes I miss out on family time, vacations, time with friends and many other events because when my phone rings, texts or emails come through, or someone shows up at my house with a concern, idea, problem or just wants to talk, my schedule opens up!
Best career moment so far: When I was elected! That’s when I became the youngest and first African American male ever elected to the City of Dardanelle.
What keeps me coming back to my job every day: My community. My people and the joy of helping others and making a small impact in this big world.
Where I see myself in 10 years: Representing the 73rd District in the Arkansas House of Representatives!
“I love to help people! I would find myself always going to meetings and sitting at the table as a guest but doing a lot of work! It hit me one day and I wanted a permanent seat at the table!” – Rashad
Hometown: Dardanelle
My political platform in three words: Live. To. Give.
If I could have dinner with any politician, it would be: Shirley Chisholm — the first African American woman elected to the United States Congress.
Best advice I’ve ever received: “People will love you and your work, and some won’t. Go to sleep at night and wake up and show everyone the best you!”
Advice for first-time voters: Find the issues and/or causes that the candidates that are working on or promoting that will affect you! And someone that is relatable to you!