Jobs in Demand: Annu Kumari on Information Science / Data Security
By Lydia McAllister on Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Information Science / Data Security
Job: Data Quality Analyst at UAMS
Age: 27 | Hometown: Patna, India
Degrees/Alma maters: Bachelors in Information Technology from the Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, India and a Masters in Information Quality from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Why did you choose Information Science?
In high school, I got addicted to computers and programming. I decided to pursue my higher education in information technology. During my work experience in India, I realized I need more than just technical knowledge to stand out among the others.
What is your job like?
I work as a Data Quality Analyst at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in the Bioinformatics Department. The part I love most about my job is getting to work with doctors from various departments and provide them with correct data for their research.
What would surprise students about your field?
With proper training and guidance, you might be surprised to know how flexible this field is. You will be able to work with any industry you wish to. Information Science is universal. There are vast amounts of possibilities in the field.
What’s the outlook of your industry?
The field of Information Science is a versatile one because every industry has come to realize how important their information is. There’s going to be a lot of demand in the coming years for various personnel in this field, such as information security analysts, data scientists, data analysts, etc.
The Information Science field is broad and growing quickly. In Arkansas alone, openings for Information Security Analysts and Computer Systems Analysts are projected to grow up to 28 percent by 2024. Reports by Forbes, The Independent and show Information Security and Information Science/Technology graduates are among the top 10 most sought-after in 2017.
Information Science, Information Systems, Information Technology, Computer Information Systems, Computer Information Science and Information Science Technology
Average starting salaries range from $50,000-$70,000 per year.
Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, &