Business Spotlight: John Kornet, Private Client Group Analyst
By Arkansas NEXT Staff on Thursday, September 3, 2015
John Kornet
Private Client Group Analyst at Stephens Inc. Investment Bankers, Little Rock
Age: 24
Hometown: Denton, Texas
Degree(s): Ouachita Baptist University—BA in Business Administration
How did you get your job?
One of the many perks of going to a small, private college is the ability to get to know your professors and administrators on a personal level. Late in my senior year, I received an email from the Dean of the Hickingbotham School of Business, asking where I planned to work after I graduated. At the time, I had been applying to jobs all over the U.S. He offered to send my résumé to a few Ouachita alumni, one of those was a managing director at Stephens.
What is your job like?
I am in a position that is specifically designed to take a recent college grad and teach him/her the ins and outs of finance from the ground up. I have passed my Series 7 and Series 66 exams, am working on earning my insurance licenses and have started studying to become a Certified Financial Planner.
What was your training or schooling like?
I studied Finance and Management at Ouachita and was exposed to more than I ever thought possible at a school so far away from Wall Street. I had some excellent professors who challenged me in the classroom and encouraged me outside of class. I belonged to the Ary Student Investment Fund, where I had my first experiences with the stock market.
Why do you love the world of finance?
I love the world of finance because, in my belief, there is hardly any other field of study that impacts every single person in such a significant way.
Why should students choose this field?
Entering a career in finance not only offers great monetary rewards in terms of compensation, but it provides an opportunity to understand a major aspect of our everyday lives.
What would people most be surprised to learn about your field?
Most people are aware of the stock market, but few people realize how finance can connect you to the rest of the world. By learning about the markets, you are learning about new and exciting products that companies are developing; you are exposing yourself to different cultures and consumer needs all over the world.
Your advice to high schoolers as they prep for college and careers:
I can’t overstate how important it is to be well read. Warren Buffet is one of history’s greatest investors but even in his older age he spends hours every day reading. Set yourself apart by surrounding yourself with the knowledge of others.
Jobs in Finance
Why it’s hot: We hear a lot about the Baby Boomer generation, but it plays a huge part in the current job market. The majority of wealth management professionals are nearing retirement age, which means there’s room for incoming post-grads. According to the Arkansas Department of Workforce Services, personal financial advising jobs will increase by nearly 22 percent by the year 2022.
The Major: Finance, Accounting, Economics, Business Administration
The Job: Personal Financial Advisor, Accountant, Auditor, Financial Analyst
The Paycheck: On average, personal financial advisors in Arkansas made $73,450