What's Your Next Level? 8 Different Directions To Take After High School

By Arkansas NEXT Staff on Thursday, September 3, 2015

From dozens of flavors in the ice cream aisle to hundreds of styles on the clothing rack, we like having the chance to pick what suits us best.

Your higher education plans should be no different. Fortunately, there are many education options to choose from when building the right plan for you. From a four-year degree program to a military path, it’s important that you’re familiar with all the possible routes before taking your next step. This section breaks down eight ways to take your education to the next level, and it shares the stories of real Arkansas students who've found a path that works for them. So go ahead — dig in and find the option for you!

Aysia Jackson on Four-Year Colleges

Jeremy Brockington on Two-Year Colleges

Jake Price on Concurrent Credit

Unique Johnson on Technical Schools

Stephen Kruse on University/Degree Centers

Ashley Shelton on Online Programs

Evan and Caleb Perry on Apprenticeships

Christian Bradley on Military Service